Is May 31,2024 is the Last Date for TS Open Inter Admission 2024?

Is May 31,2024 is the Last Date for TS Open Inter Admission 2024?

No, TS Open Inter Amission 2024 Last Date was not 31 May,2024.

What ever showing in Google Search is totally wrong information which not related to TOSS Open Inter Admissions 2024 last date.

google mistekly ranked Sakshi Education page for the keyword “TS Open Inter Admission 2024 Last Date” which is related to Telangana Board of Intermediate Education Regular Intermediate College Admissions for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

SO, Studenta and Parents no need to panic and confuse about the Last date of Telangana Open School Society’s (TOSS) SSC & Open Inter Admission 2024-2025 Session.

Stuents and parents can contact AI Coordinator on 8801045488 (Between 10 Am to 6PM) .

Telangana Open SSC & Open Intermediate Admission Notification – 2024-25 Expected in the month of June-2024.

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